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Sessions from a Micro Loans System

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Sessions from a Micro Loans System

Sustainability & Effect at Soulfresh

Mzee Mbugua is sitting patiently into the near black waiting for our check out for an overcast Tuesday afternoon in Nairobi, Kenya. We best learned for us five minutes before entering the three room house situated in a half brick, half tin building that he was waiting.

He sat here as their 3-year granddaughter that is old known as Blessings, distributed bananas to any or all the guests and don’t wince whenever we stepped on his bare base when I greeted him.

Dad, James, who we travel with to Nairobi yearly to examine, enhance and develop the African family in want (A.K.I.N.) Bakari Micro Loans regimen (considerably below), sat here riveted by Mzee Mbugua’s two granddaughters, whoever characters and interactions eerily likened my cousin’s and mine whenever we had been that years.Read More »Sessions from a Micro Loans System

In 1966 he had died heroically screaming “down with American Imperialists” and killing scores of Americans using a mine

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In 1966 he had died heroically screaming “down with American Imperialists” and killing scores of Americans using a mine

A young Viet Cong soldier Nguyen Van Be became the focus, for debates on youth, heroism, and state policy throughout the course of the Vietnam War. The moment the story reached the media – ballets, poems, songs passionately flooded the country encouraging young men to enlist into the army. The extend of its publicity could be well imagined by the whopping thirty million leaflets, seven million cartoon leaflets, 465,000 posters, 175,000 copies of a special newspaper, 167,000 photographs, 10,000 song sheets that were published during the time. You name it, movie, television, radio, everything had Be’s face plastered on it.

Van Be wasn’t dead, he declared he had never fired a single shot. In fact he’d tried to run away but was captured and send away to a Vietnamese prison camp. After this sordid trick the Viet Cong told their audiences that American plastic surgeons had created a Van Be look-alike in order to deceive the population.

6. When The North Korean Propaganda Failed Disastrously

Let me introduced you to Lim Su-Kyung. She was a South Korean citizen who was widely dubbed as the ‘flower of unification’ by the North Koreans. Back in August 1989 Su-Kyung had illegally entered North Korea to participate in the “World Festival of Youth and Students“. She was welcomed by the North government with great pomp and glaring speeches of her bravery and even received an audience with the dictator Kim Il Sung. Basically they made a propaganda superstar out of her for defying the South government and crossing the border.Read More »In 1966 he had died heroically screaming “down with American Imperialists” and killing scores of Americans using a mine