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Since the publication, the forecasts have seen upward revisions to total student entrants

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Since the publication, the forecasts have seen upward revisions to total student entrants

Figure 1 and Table 1a show the forecast number of student entrants, by domicile, against outturn, and Table 1b the equivalent annual growth rates, also against projected growth in the 18-year-old population in England.

In the academic years following, both student and provider behavioural changes affecting England-domiciled student entrants are believed to increase the total number of entrants previously expected, with this outweighing decline in EU-domiciled student entrants

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Outturn HESA data showed that in there were more England- and EU-domiciled student entrants than previously anticipated. The changes to A-Level exams in 2020 and subsequent removal of student number controls led to higher estimates of both England- and EU-domiciled student entrants in .

There are a few key drivers of growth for England-domiciled student entrants (which are forecast to grow 9.8% from to ). First, projected growth in the 18-year-old population in England, which is estimated to be 12.8% over the same period. Third, HE policy changes, such as the removal of student finance for EU nationals, which is expected to result in additional capacity for providers to increase offer rates to domestic (as well as non-EU overseas) students.

Second, increased participation rates among students (particularly of 18-year-olds) as a result of impacts of Covid-19 to the economy and labour market

As highlighted, the removal of student finance for EU nationals is expected to result in a /22). The forecast is held constant from due to the uncertainty of how EU students will respond to this change over time. There will remain a small portion of EU-domiciled student entrants eligible for tuition fee loans, such as those eligible under Citizens’ Rights or as one of the specific eligible groups online payday LA.Read More »Since the publication, the forecasts have seen upward revisions to total student entrants